Fishing Report July 5th 2023

A busy day for me yesterday jumping from boat to boat!
Early morning WIll picked me up from Point Cook and we where at the boat Ramp around 9am and he had to drop me off at Clifton Springs ramp. My schedule was to help David and Novak (who bought a Stacer 499SE Wildrider from us at Geelong Marine World) to learn a bit about the safety, launch and retrieve the boat and everything else that goes with it including a bit of fishing.
Well we started by setting up the boat and the fishing roads and we where on the way! My plan was to go to Old Steam Pack Channel and get them to catch few pinnky’s just to get them a bit excited. Well, that didn’t go as planned. When we got there, there was no fish at all. That was a bit disappointing but I was persistent and I did not want to give up. I made a decision that we are going to St Leonards and try to get King George Withing.
In meantime Will was around Leopold area with no luck at all. Apparently lots of boats around but no one is catching.
As we got close to St Leonards there was hundreds of dolphins. They where very happy to see them but I still wanted to get them to catch some fish.
We got on a spot few hours of before the flood tide and there was lots of boats around but no much action. The we managed to get a flathead. The young Balin was over the moon that we caught a fish, but that was not it. For me it was not the target fish. The pressure was on but then I got a bit of relief as we managed few small pinky’s. Again they where happy but I wasn’t impressed.

After while I decided to grab a rod and investigate the situation. after few cast around the boat I managed to hook a King George Whiting. I found the area where they are and I got them all to fish on that side of the boat. Before you know young Balin was on a fish, then he got the second one, and few more. Then David managed one but Balin’s dad Novak struggled a bit. No long after he got one and after that everything was as I expected to be. Happy faces and happy fisherman everywhere! Again, it is gold to see father and son spending time together! On the end we had tad under 20 KGW, and we had to go back. Started slow but on the end we got what we wanted.

After the pressure was gone it was time to relax and enjoy some quality fishing with Will!

We got back at Clifton Springs ramp around 2pm and WIll was there waiting for me so I can get back home. Well before we go home, we going to give St Leonards another shot. We got there just after 3.30pm and we did not have much time to waste. As we setup the cameras, put few rods in the water, Will was on. No even 2 minutes we landed our first KGW and after that was one after another.In about one hour we managed our bag limit and it was time to go home!
Best bait today was a pipies and squid cocktail. The pilchard worked good as well, but the pilchard we had was a bit soggy and did not stay on the hook properly.
The spot was around 300m out from the Green Post that is in front of St Leonards Pier. Best time was before the High tide and just before dark. Fish was average, between 32-45cm.
Best rig was Reedy’s Tinganoster (Also called running rig or westernport whiting rig).
Considering the slow start, we had a very nice day. We left and it was already dark. As I did not expect to stay that long on the water, I did not have a proper clothing so I freeze a bit, but that is all part of fun!

t. 03 5248 1752

401-409 Portarlington Road,
Moolap, VIC, 3224, AU

Geelong Marine World