King George Whiting in winter, you can not ask for more or better table quality fish. In the last few days, just straight out of St Leonards boat ramp in a bout 5m depth, plenti KGW action. Lots of boats in the area, but also lots of fish and definitely plenty for every one.

The fish is very average size, between 32-40cm, but there was lots of them around and they are definitely great fun to catch. Best bait for us was most of squid and pilchard cocktail, but they where taking pippies and mussels with no problems. Running rig, or so called Reedy’s tinganoster rig was out performing the standard patternoster rig.
It was great to see lots of kids and women fishing. There is nothing better than spending time with your family.
One of our recent customers who got them self a Stacer Seamaster 481, got guided by Happy Fisherman, and they where at St Leonards for the first time chasing King George Whiting. After getting few instructions from Will and Tibby, they ended with a nice bag of fish that day. Between three people on the boat they managed 57 KGW’s. Not a bad effort for first time out there.
Also, they did launch in Werribee and done 60km trip to St Leonards and back. They where impressed how the boat handle the water and even more impressed with the Suzuki engine – Performance and Fuel Consumption!

If you see this…..

Well if you see this around Barwon Heads boat ramp, it does indicate that there is some big tuna around. Not massive number, but quiet few got caught last week, and most of them blind trolling. Few birds there and there, but no major singns and no big schools. Fish are 100kg plus, so make sure you got the right equipment for it.
Saying that, Portland is loaded with schoolies. All the charters are doing really well on tuna between 8-15kg, and the good news is that the fish is very clos in. Not far at all from Lawrence Rock. Lots of activities over there and if you lucky you may see some big Whales that are in the area at the moment.